Saturday, December 6, 2014

Video Games - Why don't they fix the bugs anymore?

This isn't going to be a long post, by my typical standards, but let me start by saying, the opinions within are my own, and not my co-host, Ward Fleming, the company I work for, have worked for or will work for in the future.

How many of the "Top" games have you played this year that have been broken? Here's a couple:
Halo: Master Chief Collection, Assassin's Creed Unity and Dragon Age Inquisition. Both Halo and Creed have been broken to the point where apologies have become common place, but DA seems to be buggy, loses/corrupts your save data and there's no apology for it.

Why are these games coming out before being 100% ready for the sales floor? I don't get it, you don't get it, and our money is being spent on half made product.

In the case of Assassin's Creed, this is the every year shipped mentality, which is ridiculous. How many people complain about it coming out every year? (answer, everyone)

EA has recently pushed back Battlefield because it wasn't ready, WB pushed back Batman because they were nowhere close to done and Rockstar ships when it ships. Why can't all game developers do the same?

Is it stress from retailers requesting more product for their holiday shelves? Is it the stockholders doing the same? Is it just the company's greed?

I think as the companies get larger, they forget the thing that got them to the dance in the first place. Triple A titles are what they are because of production value and presentation. If one of those is broken, the game should wait until it's fixed.
