Sunday, June 22, 2014

Who's running the Asylum that is TNA?

Earlier this week, I posted a rant on the Potsy and the Turd Facebook page because I was flabbergasted at the disregard of BIG EVENT Title changes in wrestling.

There was once a time where the champion losing on free TV was looked at as shock value, but times have changed. TNA having Eric Young retain at the PPV only to lose four days later (on a show where apparently all the talent had to wrestle twice), was disrespectful to those that paid for the PPV, and they should speak out as such.

Or was it that so few people watched the PPV that they didn't actually affect their fans either way?

Here's the deal, folks. We watch the weekly TV to get the story, and we watch the PPV (or "Special Event" as WWE is calling them now) for the payoff, or the screwing of the payoff to continue the story. We don't watch on the free TV to see the world championship disrespected, even if you attempt to tell us it's for the story. It isn't, it's for ratings, plain and simple, and when you play to just get a .10 increase, you will fail more than you will succeed.

WWE's long term book rarely goes the way they want it to anymore, but at least they lay plans out that look like they have a method to the madness.

TNA's spotty, on the fly booking has them never creating a hero or a villain because they flip flop so often, that you only get behind someone because of their talent, which isn't displayed nearly enough.

That's not even the full on of my problem with them. Recently brought back MVP was part of a match where if his team won, he had control over wrestling operations. Shortly thereafter, Dixie Carter is "in charge" again, and that gives us TWO heel authority figures that alsp hate each other. Does that mean one is even MORE heel than the other? Who knows? Its sketchy booking, even worse follow thru and the payoffs are inconsistent from it, which is why the program suffers.

Too bad, too, because I really want to see Bully Ray put Dixie through a table.

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