Monday, July 14, 2014

What would improve IMPACT?

TNA Impact wrestling has gone through a major facelift, now being a company that has very few of the talents it had just one year ago, missing the likes of Hulk Hogan, Rob Van Dam, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and others.  They have, however, brought in other talents to "freshen up" the product. They include MVP, Kenny King, Lashley, The Wolves among others. Interestingly, their ratings have remained right where they were.

What will it take to get them improved? Is it a talent? Is it a different feel for the product? Truth is, it's more of the latter than the former.

To make IMPACT a distinct alternative, it has to BE a distinct alternative. It isn't a talent that will make it better or worse, it's what's written, and how that is put on television.

IMPACT needs to be about the wrestling, and not about the story. Is it okay to have feuds? Yes. Is it okay to have talking segments? Sure...but not at the expense of WRESTLING. The visual needs to be different.

If WWE is labeled as SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT culminating in wrestling matches, then IMPACT needs to be about WRESTLING first, and the story second. It can't be about bringing in an ROH or a WWE guy, because they've proved, that won't work.

In the long run, to gain viewers, it can't be more of the same, as even WWE is seeing that with their network. A lot of different things have been tried, like having a specific TOP TEN contenders list, etc, and ultimately, what will make IMPACT improve is being different.

I want to watch two hours of wrestling some weeks, with very little entertainment.

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